You have probably heard that the human body consists mostly of water and protein. But do you know that up to 70% of the skin, 80% of the tendons and ligaments, and 30% of the bones, which together make up as much as 10% of the overall weight of the human body, consist of collagen?

Collagen protein consists of long chains of amino acids, which are not readily absorbed into the bloodstream. For the body to absorb collagen, peptides – which are smaller collagen compounds – are needed. These are obtained by hydrolysis of collagen protein.
Unique 4-collagen complex!
Soluble grenadine-flavoured powder in hermetically sealed packets – handy to carry around.
Just one packet every day, containing more than 10,000 mg of collagen!

DIAS® FORTE collagen contains FORTIGEL® and PEPTIPLUS®, which are ingredients patented by the manufacturer, world collagen protein production leader, the German firm GELITA. Also I-UC® pure-form collagen, produced and patented by the US manufacturer InterHealth.